Message from a Rhino!
Rhinos look like they came straight out of the Jurassic era. They play a role on Earth, as does every being of every species.
Rhinos look like they came straight out of the Jurassic era. They play a role on Earth, as does every being of every species.
September 22 being World Rhino Day, I contacted one of them to ask him if he had a message to pass on.
You may have seen one in a zoo but, it is not a species that lives on our continent, it is not often thought of.
I came into contact with the white rhinoceros of the Granby Zoo. Immediately after having understood my intention, he brings me to his species in Africa. I find a group of adults and young rhinos.
-Hello, I said, I'm glad to meet you.
The leader of the herd, a big, burly male, turns his head towards me.
-What do you want? he asks me in a detached, almost jaded tone.
-Only to meet you and exchange with you. I would like to learn from you, if you wish.
I see the astonishment in his eyes. Somewhat incredulous, he asks me what I want to know. I answer, "Everything". He seemed overwhelmed. I decided to be more specific.
-September 22 is World Rhino Day and I would love to share a message from you with people interested in the animal world. There are a lot of them, you know.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watch a female rhino walking toward us. I catch the energy of the matriarch. She is very interested in our exchange.
-Hello to you, human, she said. I am very happy about your presence. The authenticity of your words appeals to me and I want to exchange with you. Don't pay attention to him; his role as protector and defender of our species makes him antisocial to humans. He cannot allow himself any intrusion, having experienced it too often and to our loss. Know that we survive all planetary changes. We have the ability to adapt our DNA to climatic and environmental transformations. Underneath our shell is a gelatinous material that allows all our circuits to pick up the wave-like changes in vibrations. This is how our bodies adjust to transformations. Prehistoric beast, this is how we are perceived today, given our physical form. Some humans even wonder what we are doing on Earth right now. They don't understand our purpose. Not everything is visible to the eye, let alone the human eye. Only a few humans have the ability to see beyond form. You are one of them. You can tell other humans that every living thing on Earth has its purpose and contributes to the balance of the Earth and the species. Otherwise, that animal leaves the planet. We carry within us the codes of the Earth from every era we have passed through. All these codes are needed today for the current matrix transformation. Do not let the greed of unconscious people destroy us for some financial gain. Be our advocates for the benefit of all! Thank you for sharing this information, and for allowing more humans to know about us and to recognize our contribution. We all have a role to play in maintaining the balance of the planet and the species.
Touched, I thank the matriarch for this exchange and the opportunity to share her message.
On this World Rhino Day, I invite you to send them good vibes of protection and love. Thank you!
Lynda Yelle Dolittle