Grief and consolation
Grief is a part of life. Animal communication can help us to better live the painful mourning of our pet.
We all experience grief. Whether it is the loss of a loved one such as a parent, friend, colleague, or pet, grief is a part of life. Many times, I have heard my clients tell me that the death of their pet is more difficult than the death of a human. They can't explain the great emptiness they feel in their hearts. They do not understand why, since his death and despite the passage of time, they still mourn their animal companion. Sometimes, this is reinforced by the guilt-inducing comments of those around them. Feeling judged and misunderstood, they isolate themselves more to live their mourning.
All states of mind and all emotions have their place when we are grieving, even when it is a question of the death of our pet. The heart becomes heavy. A wall of incomprehension can be set up between the bereaved and those around them who do not understand the deep, almost bottomless grief for some. All these emotions take place in our physical body and manifest in many ways including illness. The emptiness left by the departure of our animal can also create a space where regrets live about what we did or did not do with and for him, what we would have liked to do otherwise. If mourning is normal, getting stuck in grief and guilt is harmful. There are solutions to get through it!
Animal communication after the death of the animal
It is important to accept what we are going through and to be able to talk about it freely with our receptive loved ones. But what is most helpful is to talk with our pet. Yes, we can talk to our animal after its death! I accompany many people in their mourning process during an Animal Communication Session. It is a beautiful moment of meeting with our animal to know how he is, to get news of him, to share with him how we are living since his departure, to cry with him, to ask him all the questions which weigh down our heart and to verbalize our emotions.
What a relief to be with the soul of our animal! He remains available, listening, and offering us his love in a gentle way. He does not judge. On the contrary, he welcomes us. He does not justify anything. He simply explains his experience and his understanding of things. He gives us his perspective and his reality of the situation. He dedramatizes a situation that distresses us and consoles us. Our animal friend becomes our companion in our mourning. He plays this role with us. Isn't this the meaning of the word "relationship", that is to say, an exchange, a sharing between two beings? For me, this is what a human-animal relationship represents. One is there for the other.
Very often, during a session of animal communication, our dog, our cat or our other animal guides us to find joy and well-being. Some even go as far as to invite us to adopt another companion, clearly explaining that they do not feel replaced. This way of seeing things comes from us, humans! Animals are not possessive. Quite the opposite, they invite us to give ourselves the happiness of continuing our journey with another animal companion!
Exchange with Maya, a deceased cat
An elderly lady had a cat as a life companion for 14 years. When her pet died, she didn't understand why she couldn't stop grieving. She had always had cats since childhood and was able to cope with their departure without any problems. Now she was sad, crying over and over again for her feline friend. Her depressive state was becoming more and more difficult to live with. When she asked me to communicate with Maya, her cat, she started to cry from the first contact.
“How are you, my beautiful Maya? I miss you so much," she confessed.
“I know," Maya replied, "because I can feel you, you know. I'm fine, I'm free of my physical body which was getting harder and harder to live in. Now I am lighter’’.
I catch the image of the feline smile...
The emotion in the lady is overwhelming.
“I am listening to you, my dear guardian’’ says Maya. ‘’We've been through a lot together all these years, and I'm still here for you, even though I'm not in my cat body anymore. Tell me what's weighing you down’’.
Between two sobs, the lady shares her guilt and regrets.
‘’You were sick for a few years and despite the care you received, I couldn't let you go. I was so selfish, I only thought about my pain and not about your desire to leave. You showed me that a few times and each time you stayed for me. I feel so guilty. All your life you were there for me, taking care of me and I didn't know how to do the same for you...’’
‘’My beautiful human friend, if I have stayed, it is by choice. You have not imposed anything on me, because you do not decide the end of my life. I stayed because I love you’’.
‘’Yes, but you continued to take care of me, always by my side, talking to me, snuggling in my lap, welcoming me when I came home’’.
‘’Yes, I did it because I liked doing it with you. I did not sacrifice myself for you! I loved you unconditionally. This love does not take anything away from the giver. Receive my words in your heart, and accept that I made the final decision when I was ready to leave. Lighten a burden that is not yours’’.
The lady then let out a long sigh of relief and release. She understood what her feline companion told her. She felt peace return to her heart. At the end of this touching session, my client thanked Maya for this exchange and wished her well as she continues on her journey.
Animal communication and grief
As the case of my client and her cat Maya illustrates, an animal communication session with the soul of a deceased animal can make all the difference in the grieving process. Many experts talk about the stages of grief. They vary from one expert to another. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, for example, identifies five stages of grief: denial, bargaining, anger, sadness, and then acceptance. The latter is recognized by all experts. Animal communication helps to speed up the transition between stages and to get to acceptance more quickly. Allow yourself to name things, to be welcomed and comforted by your animal during individual or even a Group Animal Communication Session. The presence and love of an animal is a balm that clears the mind and the heart. Give yourself this support. It is time to free yourself...
Lynda Yelle Dolittle