Four Ways to Renew Your Energy
Do you have all the energy you need to fully enjoy life?
For many of us, January is a time of introspection. It is time for the proverbial annual review if you haven’t done it in December! Do you take the time to review what you have experienced and accomplished in the past year? Do you think about what you want to achieve in the new year? While it is helpful to set goals, it is equally important to look at how you can take better care of yourself. Anything is possible and there is a variety of tools available to make it happen. It's exciting!
First of all, it is important to take care of ourselves and our own energy. Our physical body allows us to function in our daily life and accomplish our projects. It is essential to take care of it by maintaining a state of balance through sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and rest. We are also the energy that sustains the physical body. Our level of energy has a direct impact on all aspects: physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and vibrational. Nourishing our energetic body is therefore as important as nourishing our physical body, as both are partners on our life path. Our bodies are the creators of our achievements, of our life, as we choose it.
Taking time for ourselves
We all need time to relax, socialize and have fun. Do you take the time to live without a schedule every now and then? This allows us to appreciate life more! Our days are so busy... I don't know if this happens to you, but sometimes I feel like I'm wasting time if I allow myself to enjoy my coffee in the morning while gazing at the mountains, if I read or meditate. However, I know that this is an illusion. The time I give myself fills me up, nourishes me, and brings me into a state of well-being and peace. This has a direct impact on my productivity! If we don't take time for ourselves, life pushes our limits and some of our basic needs are not met. This is a perfect recipe for anger and resentment! As you know, before you can give to others, you must fill your own inner well!
It is important to respect ourselves in order to feel good about ourselves and to take care of our energy level, which is necessary to maintain a high vibration. Our lifestyle, our way of thinking, and our environment are all factors that influence our vibratory frequency. In this sense, we must learn to set our limits and to choose the people we spend time with. The purpose is to make ourselves the priority. It is not about judging or criticizing others. We make ourselves and our well-being a priority by regularly asking ourselves, "Do I want this?" or "Is this right for me?" or "Is this the right time?" As I have learned, it's in our best interest to question our relationships, our thoughts, and our environment. I often hear people say, "everything is changing," "things are different," "I don't feel like it anymore" or "I don't want to do this anymore..."
It's healthy to question ourselves and to draw conclusions. But we need to look more deeply within to identify what we want in this moment because life is in constant motion. This is what I have learned to do on a regular basis and is what I teach in the coaching that I offer in Life Journey in 5D. Recently, a client was rethinking her job as a French teacher, so I accompanied her on this journey of reflection. She wondered if teaching was still fulfilling her after 30 years and if it was still right for her to continue. I invited her to reflect on whether she had accomplished everything she had set out to do when she started her work. Did her teaching role still give her a sense of accomplishment? Did it drain her energy to the point that she was unable to do what she really loved and wanted to do? She ended up resigning in order to focus on editing for companies that need that service. She has regained her energy and zest for life! Learning to identify what brings us happiness versus negativity is an essential part of taking care of ourselves and our energy.
Connecting with nature
The Montreal Heart Institute states that connecting with nature reduces stress and anxiety. When you're feeling low, it’s a good time to recharge in nature. Mother Nature’s vibration is high. Taking time to admire the trees, the flowers, and the animals, listening to the sounds that surround us, and feeling the wind and the sun on our skin, all of this bring about a feeling of well-being. Thus, we clear the mind, release negative energy, and raise our vibration. Even if you live in the city, there is always a park, a small green space, and a source of water that can recharge your batteries.
When I lived in Montreal, I used to go near the river. I used to walk on the trail between Lachine and Verdun. When my mind was clear, I would sit on a rock by the water and feel refreshed. I loved to hear the birds chirping! Did you know that the presence of birds in our environment improves our psychological well-being and happiness? Studies have confirmed this. You don't have access to nature? Many of us have Mother Nature in our homes: our friends the plants, the flowers, and even our mini vegetable garden on the balcony! Nature is everywhere, in many forms, and it is always accessible. Let's take the time to recognize her and reconnect with her!
Jon Kabat-Zinn is a meditation teacher and scientist known for popularizing mindfulness in traditional medicine and Western society. In his book FULL CATASTROPHE LIVING, he defines mindfulness as paying attention in a particular way to the present moment, intentionally, and without judgment. Mindfulness is extremely useful because it increases your metacognition, the ability to think about what you are thinking about. The more you are able to do this, the more you can become the witness, the observing mind, rather than getting caught up with your thoughts and feelings related to the thinking mind.
Practicing mindfulness means paying attention to what is going on in your mind and body, without judging and without getting caught up in the little dramas of the mind. The more you practice, the more the way you react to your feelings and thoughts will begin to have an impact on the rest of your life. Over time, you will develop a more powerful way of responding to what is going on inside yourself. Meditation and the practice of physical activity such as yoga allow us to refocus and bring ourselves back into the present moment and mindfulness. We focus on our inner vibration as well as the sounds and smells around us. We are no longer lost in the mind...
I remember my first tai chi class. I was surprised to feel the energy around me when I was doing the movements. Wow! What a discovery! The energy had always been there, but not me! At the time, I was too overwhelmed by the outside world and had an overactive mind. Last fall, I took aqua fitness classes in the beautiful saltwater pool at the Centre Pur Mer. By the 3rd class, while doing the movements of the class, I heard my body telling me how happy it was! I could feel all the joy in me. It confirmed for me the state of presence and awareness I was in that I was able to hear my body. Learning to live in the present moment helps to reduce stress and identify the issues that it causes. To learn more, I invite you to read the "ABC of Mindfulness" and, most importantly, to put it into practice!
Renew your energy
We have power over every area of our lives. Taking care of ourselves is our responsibility! This allows us to maintain a high vibration to improve our well-being and our general health! If you feel like you need more energy, I invite you to take more time for yourself, respect your needs, and set your limits. Take time to walk in nature or at least contemplate the plants in your home. You could even treat yourself to an ENERGY HEALING SESSION! Finally, practice mindfulness, even if just by focusing on what you eat instead of reading or watching television. In this way, you will maintain inner balance which will raise your vibration, the vibration around you, and that of the planet.
Wishing you a wonderful renewal of your energy!
Lynda Yelle