How to communicate with animals
When you know how to communicate with an animal, you can do it with all animals, not just those that share our daily lives...
Since time immemorial, animals have been asking us to communicate with them. In recent years, their requests have become more pressing. They want to inform us about various aspects of their lives and physical bodies. They are at our side to reveal who they really are. They want more than anything to be heard, to be recognized for who they are, in every aspect of their being. They are loyal and magnificent companions. Better still, they often make great teachers! A good example is "A Cat's Vital Message to Humans."
To communicate consciously with animals, you first must choose to do it. Then it's about opening up to the animal world, to the animal perspective. It's important to recognize who they really are, in addition to the relationship you have with them, especially if it's your pet. It's often enough to want to enter his world to understand how he thinks, how he lives his experiences as an animal, and his relationship with humans. Then, it's advisable to give him back his power so that he can live his experience fully, knowing that he's evolving and that we contribute to this by considering and welcoming his world, his reality.
Some of us have maintained this awareness, this spontaneous connection with them since childhood. For others, this has been put aside to just live like the other humans. Animal communication involves the innate human skill of telepathy. We all do it in our everyday lives, without necessarily identifying it. Instead, we say: "I have an intuition, a feeling" - that's telepathy! We're all telepaths. Telepathy is the universal language that includes animal language.
Animal communication 101
Animal communication can be learned and practiced by everyone. It's not just for the elite since we're all telepaths!
To be able to communicate with an animal, it's important to be grounded. You can close your eyes (or not) and take three deep breaths. Imagine that the energy from above enters through your head and exits under your feet, then continues to the center of the earth. That's it! You're grounded! Ask the Animal World to guide you. Telepathy happens from heart to heart, so feel your heart open and imagine a thread connecting to the heart of the animal you wish to communicate with. Ideally, look at the animal or a photo. If not, just imagine it. If you know the animal's name, you can say it. Then introduce yourself and ask a simple question. Be there to catch a phrase, an image, a symbol... That's it, you're communicating!
If you want to be sure that the message gets through, you can ask your pet a question through me for a small fee, once a month, during our Animal Communication Group Sessions. These sessions allow you to see how animal communication is done, and to hear the communications of other participants.
The French magazine Psychologies published an article detailing eleven steps in animal communication. Entitled "Guide de la communication animale: tout savoir pour parler leur langage," the article also discusses the rules to follow when communicating with an animal.
Further training in animal communication
To further develop your animal communication skills, you can also take Level 1 and Level 2 animal communication training. In my courses, I always take pleasure in getting students to recognize their gifts and identify their perceptions. Many of them are astonished because they think they were beginners in this field. But no! After the astonishment comes openness: daring to admit to yourself that you're already communicating telepathically. Then comes the encounter with the mind, which is the greatest challenge in this training. How many times have I heard, “Yes, but my mind is so strong.” Yes, starting with mine, I can assure you! Everything can be learned and mastered. First and foremost, it's about welcoming yourself, opening yourself up to something new, and daring to be flexible in order to discover yourself. I love to witness the joy of my students when they realize that they just did animal communication! And this happens right in the first practice! At the end of Level 1 training, the other phrase I often hear is: "I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect this." This describes the personal journey of learning about the animal world.
Level 1 training enables you to discover the animal world and its perspective, discover and develop your perceptions and telepathy, gain more confidence in your abilities, understand animal language, practice it, and communicate. Level 2 training is divided into three parts: 1) health, illness and energetic care for animals, 2) the transition stage – death, and 3) missing and lost animals.
To maintain the ability to communicate with animals, it's important to practice regularly. To this end, I offer Animal Communication Coaching Sessions on the first Monday of every month (in French). They are for people who have already taken a training course in animal communication, either with me or with another teacher. Such sessions serve to maintain learning. They allow you to practice and build up your confidence in your animal communication skills.
If you'd like to experience Animal Communication before taking the training to see how it's done, you can make an appointment for a consultation with your animal.
Finally, if you have the calling, you'd probably like to take the Animal Communication Professional Certification to offer your services in animal-human communication! Who knows? It's also possible to take this certification on a personal basis without becoming a professional.
Happy communicating!
Lynda Yelle Dolittle